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Call for Participants

Round Table “Is there anything we may learn from the Global Middle Ages that may help us tackle Climate Change?” at the IMC 2021, 5th to 8th of July 2021

Daniel Brown
2 min readSep 2, 2020


Human-made Climate Change is an undeniable consequence and a fact of the Anthropocene — a dire threat to the biosphere of this planet. Yet opposite this threat, people are seeking alternative ways and means of life — more eco-friendly, less focused on consumption and the expenditure of resources.

As people are looking for ways to tackle climate change, those means and methods of the Human Past are examined for their impact. Building materials like clay, wood and wattle-and-daub have a renaissance in Smart Cities and Zero Impact Buildings, the Circular Economy tackles waste management as resource management and new mentalities as well as methods in agri- and horticulture shape and change consumer markets and production alike.

With all this being labelled as innovation, the question arises if this innovation is not really part rediscovery.

The organizers of this round table are looking for participants that wish to engage in a round table discussion on the question if there is anything that we may learn from the global medieval past that may aid us in our current aim of alleviating the impact of the Anthropocene on this planet’s climate.

We warmly welcome scholars that pursue the study of medieval industry, agri- and horticulture, building materials and techniques, use of resources , archaeology and everyday life in the Middle ages as well as any related topics to this round table.

If you wish to add your expertise and knowledge to this round table discussion, please send an email to me until September 20th 2020.



Daniel Brown

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