A cityscape at night time with all streets, alleys and roads illuminated
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Networks and Entanglements — a Call For Papers for the International Medieval Congress, 3rd to 6th of July 2023

Daniel Brown
2 min readAug 31, 2022


Networks are an integral part of human life. They can be formal or informal, they may be networks of support, of power, of dependence relations, the exchange of intellectual property or the trading of wares. Humans are never just part of one network — they are entangled inside a myriad of networks, ranging from those of the family, friends and followers to those spanning kingdoms, culture and continents. Humans may also play multiple roles inside these networks; be it as network infrastructure, as supporters or as specialists, for example.

For the IMC 2023 we* are organising sessions on the ideas of Networks and Entanglements build around papers presenting research, ideas and new perspectives on the following themes:

  • The centre and peripheries of networks and their connections as well as entanglements
  • The visible and invisible infrastructures of networks
  • The communications in and about networks and entanglements
  • “Unseen Networks” of actors that were outside the hierarchies of power in the Middle Ages

We are especially inviting early career scholars as well as academics of all career stages and independent scholars to submit their paper proposals of no more than 250 words and the usual information of academic affiliation (if applicable) & contact information to imccall4papers AT gmail.com before the 25th of September 2022.

*Dr Stefanie Schild, Johannes Waldschütz & Daniel Brown



Daniel Brown

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